Rilke comes Alive

Walliser Bote 29 Juli 2021 : “Ich Habe Rilke erweckt”

Farrol Kahn hat in Eischoll einen Biografischen Roman über den wohl wichtigsten Dichter für das Wallis geschrieben. Eine Arbeit, de zehn Jahre dauerte.

Translation of article below.

Interview:Sarah-Maria Heldner – I made Rilke alive”

Farrol Kahn has written a bio novel about the probably most important poet for the Valais. A task that took 10 years to complete. The author of the book “Rilke” about the passion for the poet, his work and Switzerland.

Why did you write a book about Rilke’s life?

I wanted to write a book, a novel about a poet. I first thought of Yeats, the Irish poet, but there has already been a lot written about him. Another option was a Latvian poet called Rainis but it was difficult to find poems because they were mostly in Russian. I initially wanted to do something about this poet because my father was from that country.

And then, by chance, I picked up a book of Rilke’s poetry by Mitchell, when I was commuting from London to Sussex. I was fascinated by the poems. I’ve read snippets of his Duino Elegies and his Sonnets to Orpheus when I was on the train and later I began reading about his life. There were a lot of books in English about him but they were mainly academic works about his poetry. No one has written about the man who had a life, who had many loves and who struggled to find himself. I wanted to show him as a human being, not just a guru or a philosopher. All his works can be traced to a basis.

What is that basis?

The basis of his work was that in 1900 he married and then had a child. After one year he turned to his wife and said that he was a bad husband, a bad father but wanted to be a good poet. He left his family and travelled a lot: Egypt, Spain, Berlin, France and many more. He never put down roots, he was always hovering above a city or a country.

What fascinated you about his life?

He was one of these mysterious poets who wrote a lot of letters: 17,000. Another interesting aspect is the contrast between him and his friend Paul Valéry. The french poet wrote according to a system whereas Rilke was very emotional. In order to write, Rilke always tried to find a “winter nest”, a place where he was on his own. Only a housekeeper would be in

the same house and put the food in front of Rilke’s room. He just wanted to write poetry on his own over the three months of winter.

How did you get all the information for the book?

I’ve read a lot of his letters, took notes and did research in libraries like Oxford and Geneva. Those libraries have his genuine letters, the letter he wrote to his mistress and muse Baladine Klossowska. Their story is very fascinating.

What is their story?

The creative years of Rilke in Switzerland were from 1920 to 1926. The first thing he had to do was to find a “winter nest”. He first tried to find something in Zurich like the Schloss Berg am Irchel but it did not work out. When he met Baladine in Geneva they went on a trip to the Valais and when they were by the church above Raron, they looked at the wonderful landscape. That awakened his inspiration for writing poetry.

Rilke had a great love affair with her but then got leukemia. He did not want to see Baladine while his body was full of black spots, which was very hard for him. This grand passion that can be seen in the incredible love letters is so inspiring.

During your research, have you found something surprising?

Yes, I did. I wondered why a lot of the books on him were academic and none showed who he was. The reason behind that is, that his letters have been censored by his wife. Anything that had something to do with his emotions, his body or his love affairs was affected. That’s why many people didn’t really know much about him.

How did you deal with the censored parts?

His confessions took 50 years to be published. It was hard work, I had to go to the libraries, to sit down and make notes. I had a translator that translated the German or French texts into English.

How much fiction is in your bio novel of Rilke?

The only sort of fiction is where I animate him. Many things I know from the love letter he wrote to Baladine Klossowska. These elements I used in conversation. I really made Rilke alive which is much appreciated.

Had you already had connections to Switzerland before you started writing your novel about Rilke?

Not a strong connection. I have seen pictures of the landscape and one falls in love with it.

You’ve written the book in Eischoll. How did you get Eischoll as a destination to write your book?

My German Rilke friends had apartments in Eischoll and invited me to stay there while writing the book. They said that the view was wonderful and that I could see the church in Raron where Rilke is buried. That was true. I could always look down and get inspiration.

Was Rilke inspiration enough during  the whole process or did you have writing blocks?

Rilke opened a whole new world, an inner world which he was part of.  Wherever I go there is a reminder of Rilke in some shape or form. For Example, when I went to Paris I would go to the Luxembourg Gardens where he had had many walks.

You are currently writing your new book “Road Trip with Rilke”. Do you proceed in the same way as for the previous book?

No. I would look at my book, the biographical novel and find areas that are important in the road trip. For example Schloss Berg am Irchel. It still exists today, even though it is a horse breeding centre. Or the Victoria Hotel where he is in the register. All those places will be in the road trip. Readers can go around Switzerland and stay in five star hotels, where a little table of memories will remind of Rilke. In the book you will find the letters that he has written at those places.

So it is a mix of a travel guide and memories of Rilke?

Exactly. You have the opportunity of entering his personal world by discovering new places and reading his letters.

Duino Castle

When Rilke stayed at the Duino Castle in 1911-1912, he heard voice above the roar of the wind. “‘Who, if I cried out, would hear me from the ranks of the angels?” That was the inspiration for his masterpiece, the Duino Elegies.

Romanus Church in Raron

The reason why Rilke’s grave is at Romanus Church in Raron is that he did not want to be buried in the same cemetery as Isabelle de Chevron, the former inhabitant of Muzot, a ghost who haunted the path between Muzot and Miège. 



I would like to put in a word for Farrol Kahn’s superb novel, [working title] THE SWISS LOVERS, about the Swiss period of Rilke’s life. It is a large book that lends the subject a truly Proustian perspective It does so particularly through its language, a remarkable feat of using the English language to recreate the work of a German poet–as well as the entire world of the first quarter of the 20th century-. It stirs and sustains the reader ‘s involvement throughout. In fact, I believe that it may become one of the more significant works in our time. I’ve had (and am having) my own dance with Rilke, but this is not a disguised biography but the presentation in a complex modern novel of a life and an epoch in Western history before and immediately after World War I: the breakup and (temporary) reconstitution of our world. The animation of Rilke, changing with and against this social perspective is carried out brilliantly.

I’m aware of the fact that this sounds like so much hyperbole but it is impersonal. I don’t know this author very well but I’ve come to know him particularly through reading this work which is skilfully reconstructed as a life. It begins at the point when Rilke met the woman who, above all his many love relationships, was his most incisive inspiration during the final years of his life. From this vantage point Farrol Kahn radiates outward-back to Rilke’s origins and forward to his destiny and early death.

I believe that both the experimental approach of this novel and its panoramic view of life in the early twentieth century may attract a following of Rilke enthusiasts and beyond.

Ralph Freedman

Author of Life of a Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke

International Coverage

I’ve had a testimonial from an enthusiast in San Francisco, USA and a letter selected for publication in the FT in London, the Walliser Bote asked for an interview which they published on 29th July. Click here or on the image to read the full text in English.

“Just now I finished your novel. Congratulations on your achievement!  Your devotion and research shine through. A majestic volume on my Rilke shelves.”

Bruce Mueller, San Francisco

I’m also pleased to say that the antidote to the indolence referred to in the letter is working on the related book mentioned in the article, Road Trip with Rilke.

Rilke in Kansas 2021

I recently came across George Schoolfield’s lecture in 1966 titled Rilke’s Last Year. It was a revelation as I discovered that Kansas University had a collection of 1,600 items that had been given by Dr Henry Sagan.

“He was one of the most devoted and best informed of Rilke’s collectors,” said Schoolfield who gave a masterful and amusing account of the items ranging from 1927 to 1946 including the two former lovers, Loulou Albert-Lasard and Magda von Hattingberg, woke up suddenly in the middle of the night the moment Rilke died! Yet his greatest supporter Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis did not experience such a dramatic awakening – she received a telegram four days after his death after returning from a walk.

“Among them is a collection of the essays, addresses, and poetry which were written and published in response to Rilke’s death. Some
material of this sort, by more or less famous hands, has long been familiar to Rilke scholars.” Names like Robert Musil, Edmond Jaloux, Stefan Zweig and Robert Faesi (he paid homage twice – to students at Zurich University and then at the Landestheater in Stuttgart.) are mentioned in the obituary eulogies.

“And there is the noble tribute of Paul Valery, which, because it
contains personal recollections, is so much more moving than certain of the German threnodies with their splendid abstractions—” But what is not mentioned is the special relationship between Rilke, Boris Pasternak (the same who wrote Dr Zhivago) and Marina Tsvetayeva who wrote the New Year Letter in 1927 to come to terms with his death.

For the rest, Schoolfield provides a fascinating summary of Rilke’s last year, 1926. He delves into the legend that he was poisoned by the thorns of a rose, his dehumanisation, fatal illness and sexual encounters of which Princess Marie of Thurn und Taxis once said that Don Juan was an orphan boy compared to Rilke. Schoolfield’s last word is to recommend future biographers to discover and to value the human Rilke through consulting the Kansas University’s archive.

Lady Gaga’s Tattoo

Lady Gaga has a quote from the poet Rainer Maria Rilke tattooed on her left arm. The lines are from Letters to a Poet which was written to Franz Xaver Kappus on February 17, 1903. “In the deepest hour of the night, confess to yourself that you would die if you were forbidden to write. And look deep into your heart where it spreads its roots, the answer, and ask yourself, must I write?”

See her interview on youtube

Lady Gaga aka the Queen of Pop was a musical wunderkind who could play the piano at the age of four. Today, she is an American songwriter, actress and singer who sang the national anthem at President Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th President of the United States on January 20, 2021.

Balthus the Artist

To some the appearance of the Polish-French artist Balthus Klossowski in the Rilke book might come as a surprise. The same applies to his older brother Pierre the super intellectual. But Balthus in fact plays an important part in the book because his mother was Rilke’s mistress and muse and he was befriended by Rilke who was also responsible for his education.

There was also another aspect to the young Balthus because he had a talent for detective work. In the period that he lived in Berlin, he worked with police to bring a criminal gang to justice. Later in Geneva, he solved another case of a murdered American tourist. With regard to art he benefited from visits to the Berlin police headquarters at Alexanderplatz. Read more on page 59.

Rilkes Welt

Festschrift for August Stahl on his 75th birthday

When my book was a work-in-progress, I was privileged to be invited to give talks to the members of the Rilke Gesellschaft. As my knowledge of German was rudimentary, a bilingual friend translated the English sentences which I read from the manuscript into German.

One of the memorable events was a conference at the Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll in 2008 on Rainer Maria Rilke and Paul Valery. I was involved in a workshop on Rilke, Valery and his mistress Catherine Pozzi.

I had contrasted the two couples as the antithesis of each other. Rilke and Elisabeth Klossowska as the great passion like Abelard and Heloise while Valery and Pozzi opted for a more modern interpretation. They looked upon their relationship as a fusion of two light atoms to create a heavier third, energy-rich.

The highlight during this period was to be asked to contribute to Rilkes Welt: Festschrift For August Stahl on his 75th birthday, the renowned Rilke scholar.

Rilkes Welt (Peter Lang 2009) encompasses Rilke’s concept of ‘world’, his inclusion of ‘world’, the literary design and its reception are the focus of this volume of essays. In around 50 contributions by international literary scholars and Rilke researchers, it presents the many facets in the life and work of the European poet from Prague and thus not only gives an impression of Rilke’s work, but also of its importance for literary and cultural history.

The occasion of the publication was the birthday of August Stahl, his literary work and personal commitment to the development, dissemination and understanding of Rilke – far beyond his work as the then President of the International Rilke Society – of Rilke researchers, Rilke readers and Rilke lovers is recognized.

For this reason, a list of the writings related to Rilke by August Stahl concludes the anthology, which aims to open up many dimensions of Rilke’s ‘world’.