Rilke Tour – Education benefits highlighted

Photo by Max Fischer

The benefits to the intellectual growth of children from the works of Rilke combined with the tour have been recognised by the Education and Culture Directorate of Bern Canton.

Dr. Sabine Bättig-Ineichen, Head of School Development Department for Bern Canton, says in the AKVB department’s April 2024 newsletter for educationalists that Rilke’s work and the tour together “offer unique insights to promote intellectual growth, intercultural values and stimulate creative thinking. The Rilke Tour combines sport, education and getting to know Switzerland better”.

The original article is reproduced below.

Das Ziel der Rilke Tour und des Buches «Road Trip with Rilke Round Switzerland» ist es, Rainer Maria Rilke anlässlich seines 150. Geburtstages sowie seine tiefgründige Poesie und einfühlsame Prosa kennenzulernen. Beide bieten einzigartige Einblicke, um intellektuelles Wachstum und interkulturelle Werte zu fördern und kreatives Denken anzuregen. Die Rilke-Tour verbindet Sport, Bildung und das bessere Kennenlernen der Schweiz. Sie findet von Juni bis Oktober 2024 statt. Gewinnen Sie mit Ihrer Schule eine Trophäe!

Rilke Tour and book: “Road Trip with Rilke Round Switzerland” The aim of the Rilke Tour and the book “Road Trip with Rilke Round Switzerland” is to get to know Rainer Maria Rilke on the occasion of his 150th birthday as well as his profound poetry and insightful prose. Both offer unique insights to promote intellectual growth, intercultural values and stimulate creative thinking. The Rilke Tour combines sport, education and getting to know Switzerland better. It takes place from June to October 2024. Win a trophy with your school!

More Coverage of Rilke Tour

Two more publications have featured the Rilke Tour challenge, Gstaad Life, which has a

delightful description of the contest and Journal Du Pays-d’Enhaut, which has a splendid headline for the article announcing the tour, proclaiming that Rilke is alive and in good health. It makes the point that 100 years on from the publication of The Duino Elegies it, the other works of Rilke and his love of life are still very much relevant today.

Gstaad Insider’s Guide
Presentation of the 2nd Edition 

The author Farrol Kahn made a presentation of the new edition of the Gstaad Insider’s guide on Wednesday 27th April at the Grande Salle de Rougemont.

An Article in «Journal du Pays-D’Enhaut », gives an overview of his book, the people and places featured and background on Farrol’s various other works.

Farrol Kahn and Sonia Wolf
Sophie Labarraque with craft stand
Cheese and wine party

On Wednesday evening last week, Marianne Moratti attended the book launch of The Insider’s Guide Gstaad/Pays-d’Enhaut by Farrol Kahn.

It was a cheese and wine party which was held in the Grand Salle Rougemont. A lot of interesting people were there waiting for the presentation, curious and excited. Among the locals were Anne Rosat, Michèle Philipp, Marie-Françoise Rochat, Myriam Degallier, Cindy Morier, Dr Ilias Skaventzos and his wife Sonja Wolf, Mr and Mrs Aamodt, Mr and Mrs Raynaud and Marina Brachet. While from Gstaad there were Caroline Zervudacis, Nitzia Embiricos, Ruedi Hählen, Mr and Mrs Kübli, Tom Galler, Marc Galler, Mr and Mrs Mösching and Sussy Power.

The book which is the 7th of the cultural guides to Switzerland written by Farrol Kahn is well presented with over 100 colour photos. 

Guests had the opportunity to taste the wide range of cheese from the Gstaad Molkerei selected by Rene Ryser and wines from the Cully vineyard of Cave de Moratel presented by Patricia Longet. Sophie Labarraque also had a stand with her art and artisanal objects.

Olivia Plancherel who was the winner of the Photographic competition with a view of the Pays-d’Enhaut from the La Lecherette could not attend. Marianne Moratti received a bouquet as she came second in the photo contest. Her photo of the Ibex female was judged to be exquisite.

International Coverage

I’ve had a testimonial from an enthusiast in San Francisco, USA and a letter selected for publication in the FT in London, the Walliser Bote asked for an interview which they published on 29th July. Click here or on the image to read the full text in English.

“Just now I finished your novel. Congratulations on your achievement!  Your devotion and research shine through. A majestic volume on my Rilke shelves.”

Bruce Mueller, San Francisco

I’m also pleased to say that the antidote to the indolence referred to in the letter is working on the related book mentioned in the article, Road Trip with Rilke.